ReCreate gadgets WorkShop

Hi everyone, hope you’re having a great Sunday! today I want to share with you some cool stuff I came across at the Canning Town Caravanserai some time ago. It was a community event to revitalise Canning Town area with crafts, live music and drinks – who would want more? 🙂

Meet lovely Diana and her quirky cards, purses, and gadgets – all made from recycled materials. Very cool and sustainable! 🙂

Diana is driven by what she loves and wants to live her life doing just that. She has also started a network of creative individuals to support each other with their work, so might be a good chance to get involved in Ds Way project!

Hope you like it! Can you guess what the purses (pic 1) are made off??? 😉

4 thoughts on “ReCreate gadgets WorkShop

  1. Pingback: Featured REcreations | Ds WAY 2

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